Shipping policy



Please note that all our products are designed and manufactured with utmost care. We put quality before speed, nonetheless your order will be with you in no time – and with no flaws. Average time from order placement to delivery is 10-20 days. Shipping within the US is faster.

Customs and import fees

Shipping costs are not included in the product purchase price, as detailed in the checkout page. Depending on the geographical location of the shipping address, different shipping fees will be charged. Customs and import fees of the destination country however are not covered by the purchase. Depending on the policy of the destination country, different fees might be charged and calculated based on the total value of the ordered goods. These charges are not covered by Greater than club. Please inform yourself about the import and customs regulations of your destination country before ordering online. Items purchased in our online shop are shipped from the US.

The global average import duty rate for T shirt is 15.4%, with a minimum of 0% and a maximum of 55%, when classified with WTO tariff sub-heading 6109.10 (cotton t-shirt). Find out more about international custom fees here